RECON TNO event list

This table lists the best candidates for TNO occultation for the next seven years that are visible from the entire network. These events all have a minimum success probability of 30%.

This list was last updated at 2024/07/26 20:25:57 UT

Idx ET Desig Vmag Since
TNO pos err Diam(5%) Diam(30%) DES Classification StarID RA Dec mag minsep selong RECON Prob
2203242 2024 Aug 11 06:30:01 342842 21.6 2.7 0.09 83 34 CENTAURR GA1260:07097210 19:53:03.1 +36:33:53 15.4 0.13 124 1.00 38.2%
1395992 2024 Nov 07 10:41:06 69987 23.4 1.7 0.16 229 94 CLASSICAL GA1120:01318576 05:36:30.6 +22:28:53 15.4 0.06 141 1.00 34.6%
2381552 2024 Nov 15 08:30:07 48639 21.6 0.6 0.04 625 255 SCATNEAR GA1100:00467804 03:53:49.1 +20:21:58 15.6 0.10 173 1.00 36.3%
1967156 2024 Nov 19 06:54:34 160427 22.0 0.6 0.02 156 64 CENTAURR GA1000:00666365 05:10:37.3 +10:12:34 15.7 0.25 156 1.00 100.4%
1388109 2024 Dec 01 10:38:32 15875 22.4 3.5 0.20 204 83 3:2E GA1160:02522559 06:45:50.4 +26:35:46 14.1 0.10 149 1.00 34.4%
2142366 2024 Dec 17 11:43:48 123509 22.8 2.7 0.12 302 123 CLASSICAL GA1100:02061514 06:26:16.2 +21:17:06 13.4 0.10 169 1.00 32.6%
2308161 2024 Dec 28 11:18:50 523733 22.8 0.6 0.03 50 21 CENTAURR GA1200:01337766 05:09:45.7 +30:49:21 16.2 0.21 161 1.00 93.9%
2262181 2025 Jan 04 05:03:18 523748 22.1 0.6 0.05 373 152 SCATEXTD GA0940:00726199 05:24:55.3 +04:31:16 16.5 0.14 151 1.00 77.6%
2728105 2025 Jan 07 03:50:08 599752 21.8 0.6 0.09 449 183 SCATEXTD GA0980:01081337 05:48:26.2 +09:49:12 16.6 0.07 156 1.00 32.0%
2655385 2025 Mar 18 05:02:40 468861 18.2 0.2 0.02 128 52 CENTAURR GA1220:02792160 06:33:20.2 +33:51:15 14.0 0.26 99 1.00 88.1%
2204134 2025 Jul 20 06:52:02 342842 21.7 2.7 0.09 83 34 CENTAURR GA1220:09512132 19:57:38.1 +32:31:20 15.5 0.06 127 1.00 33.6%
2204334 2025 Sep 08 05:21:48 342842 21.7 2.7 0.09 83 34 CENTAURR GA1200:08607468 19:44:35.1 +30:29:50 15.5 0.11 120 1.00 31.5%
2204439 2025 Sep 30 04:56:07 342842 21.8 2.7 0.09 83 34 CENTAURR GA1180:09313683 19:41:39.7 +29:11:30 14.0 0.07 108 1.00 39.8%
2655538 2025 Nov 04 11:39:50 468861 18.2 0.2 0.02 128 52 CENTAURR GA1120:02511583 06:52:55.7 +23:52:48 14.2 0.14 120 1.00 47.2%
1767829 2025 Dec 03 06:43:52 119473 22.6 4.5 0.11 143 58 3:2E GA1140:00969618 05:05:28.7 +25:21:35 16.8 0.03 173 1.00 35.7%
2789227 2025 Dec 04 02:26:17 609221 22.2 0.6 0.04 352 144 CLASSICAL GA1100:00668374 04:32:44.7 +21:30:34 0.0 0.12 178 1.00 73.9%
2162826 2025 Dec 14 07:02:15 534626 22.2 3.6 0.10 281 115 2:1E GA1120:01130340 05:22:22.6 +23:07:39 14.9 0.08 179 1.00 67.0%
1470323 2025 Dec 25 07:54:41 120181 21.7 0.6 0.02 202 83 CENTAURR GA1080:00636164 04:40:13.0 +19:26:19 16.5 0.16 158 1.00 91.9%
2142499 2026 Jan 07 06:18:05 123509 22.8 2.7 0.12 302 123 CLASSICAL GA1100:02139549 06:30:19.2 +21:14:22 13.9 0.04 170 1.00 30.0%
2251842 2026 Feb 04 08:42:54 544430 22.5 0.7 0.06 263 107 5:2EEE GA1020:03316503 09:25:14.1 +12:20:16 14.4 0.08 175 1.00 31.0%
2476657 2026 Apr 23 07:32:12 555915 20.9 0.2 0.02 499 204 SCATNEAR GA0800:04872949 15:45:29.6 -09:36:02 13.8 0.16 155 1.00 72.9%
2377526 2026 Apr 26 09:32:02 523713 22.0 1.0 0.03 340 139 5:2EEE+5:2EII GA0940:06156588 18:07:59.3 +04:58:11 15.0 0.06 119 1.00 38.7%
2451480 2026 May 20 07:18:03 505624 21.6 0.2 0.02 398 163 SCATEXTD GA0900:04945067 17:00:51.2 +00:44:50 13.9 0.12 153 1.00 76.3%
2229520 2026 May 29 07:42:12 470309 21.7 3.9 0.03 210 86 CENTAURS GA1060:07150156 18:56:26.4 +16:41:29 14.9 0.12 126 1.00 41.2%
2204799 2026 Jun 04 07:40:12 342842 21.8 2.7 0.09 83 34 CENTAURR GA1180:12832514 20:07:13.8 +28:04:11 16.9 0.15 110 0.98 31.5%
2643067 2026 Oct 15 10:43:10 567122 20.2 0.7 0.02 81 33 CENTAURR GA1280:00207158 00:51:38.3 +39:42:41 15.8 0.13 148 1.00 57.5%
2356821 2026 Nov 27 10:27:55 523773 21.3 0.3 0.02 518 211 SCATEXTD GA0840:03850877 09:51:10.3 -05:16:07 14.6 0.29 93 1.00 30.5%
2218746 2026 Nov 29 12:31:04 470083 22.9 0.7 0.05 179 73 2:1E GA1060:00860932 05:16:52.6 +17:42:37 15.7 0.13 166 1.00 56.8%
2820622 2026 Dec 16 09:24:02 613100 22.6 0.7 0.09 187 76 5:3EE GA1060:00363542 03:20:46.7 +16:33:38 16.8 0.16 148 1.00 38.5%
2685715 2026 Dec 19 06:08:07 590218 20.1 0.7 0.03 105 43 CENTAURR GA1180:01749172 05:45:36.4 +29:34:41 16.8 0.17 174 1.00 99.6%
2308568 2026 Dec 22 07:05:10 523733 23.1 0.6 0.03 50 21 CENTAURR GA1200:02293228 06:07:30.0 +30:45:59 16.0 0.06 173 1.00 118.6%
1641027 2026 Dec 22 08:48:05 149349 22.1 0.7 0.08 302 123 5:3EE GA1080:00553234 04:23:01.0 +18:39:25 13.5 0.12 157 1.00 73.5%
2250323 2027 Jan 10 05:26:48 55638 20.6 1.4 0.07 525 214 3:2E GA0940:02621464 07:18:39.8 +05:12:59 15.8 0.20 163 1.00 41.7%
2812714 2027 Jan 21 09:37:34 612332 22.3 3.5 0.16 225 92 3:2E GA1180:02683136 06:34:01.2 +29:00:33 16.0 0.08 156 1.00 38.8%
2259948 2027 Jan 31 03:43:29 535168 22.4 2.7 0.10 222 91 3:2E GA1120:01789550 06:06:47.7 +22:13:40 15.1 0.12 141 1.00 35.1%
2685745 2027 Feb 07 06:58:43 590218 20.4 0.7 0.03 105 43 CENTAURR GA1180:01604942 05:35:14.5 +29:10:35 15.4 0.05 127 1.00 45.6%
2613656 2027 Feb 15 03:02:00 523764 22.0 1.4 0.04 213 87 3:2E+6:4II GA0920:02509874 07:17:42.2 +02:08:05 16.6 0.17 140 1.00 31.9%
2485200 2027 Jun 10 08:40:39 555916 22.3 0.4 0.04 164 67 3:2E+6:4II GA0880:05041352 16:49:27.3 -01:47:11 14.6 0.19 158 0.98 38.7%
2643210 2027 Oct 12 08:56:55 567122 20.2 0.7 0.02 81 33 CENTAURR GA1360:00629202 01:34:23.6 +47:28:08 16.5 0.01 139 1.00 41.8%
2643227 2027 Nov 03 06:25:40 567122 20.2 0.7 0.02 81 33 CENTAURR GA1360:00582788 01:26:50.3 +47:14:39 13.5 0.20 145 1.00 34.4%
1767926 2027 Nov 14 07:47:02 119473 22.7 4.5 0.11 143 58 3:2E GA1160:01369886 05:32:30.9 +26:01:56 14.9 0.17 147 1.00 31.1%
2685966 2027 Nov 15 07:02:33 590218 20.2 0.7 0.03 105 43 CENTAURR GA1180:02477430 06:27:40.5 +28:15:41 16.2 0.25 136 1.00 63.4%
2373325 2027 Nov 29 06:29:23 523731 21.9 0.6 0.09 333 136 5:3EE GA1080:00638570 04:40:35.9 +18:34:15 16.7 0.14 174 1.00 46.1%
2789287 2027 Dec 09 07:11:08 609221 22.2 0.6 0.04 352 144 CLASSICAL GA1100:00742076 04:44:43.6 +21:54:46 16.0 0.07 176 1.00 97.9%
1967406 2027 Dec 17 04:56:03 160427 21.8 0.6 0.02 156 64 CENTAURR GA1000:00968168 05:43:40.9 +10:57:19 13.2 0.20 168 1.00 100.0%
2456986 2028 Jan 12 02:59:57 471931 22.1 0.8 0.03 81 33 CENTAURR GA0740:00271105 03:36:48.4 -14:23:09 16.4 0.30 112 1.00 34.8%
2460478 2028 Feb 08 05:12:05 471210 21.2 0.4 0.02 485 198 SCATNEAR GA0840:00611889 05:27:11.0 -04:16:49 15.8 0.14 118 1.00 34.1%
2257092 2028 May 23 09:31:40 469987 21.1 1.2 0.02 360 147 3:2E GA0740:09928641 17:38:51.7 -14:45:17 17.0 0.27 156 0.98 33.9%
2525742 2028 Oct 22 11:33:06 585912 20.9 0.7 0.02 92 38 CENTAURR GA0840:00246032 03:06:15.5 -05:02:28 12.9 0.26 155 0.98 38.7%
2643493 2028 Oct 28 05:03:12 567122 20.2 0.7 0.02 81 33 CENTAURR GA1420:01569188 02:21:45.7 +53:58:24 15.7 0.06 139 1.00 31.0%
2468437 2028 Nov 12 08:38:02 143685 22.9 1.8 0.05 166 68 4:3E GA1040:00422359 04:02:03.6 +15:06:15 14.6 0.15 167 0.98 37.6%
2541222 2028 Nov 30 04:44:47 15820 22.0 0.7 0.12 184 75 3:2E GA1220:02045353 05:41:58.7 +33:18:46 16.9 0.19 160 1.00 30.6%
2686258 2028 Dec 03 05:28:26 590218 20.0 0.7 0.03 105 43 CENTAURR GA1160:02657206 07:00:04.3 +26:17:15 16.3 0.14 148 1.00 32.1%
2525191 2028 Dec 13 07:06:08 533868 22.0 0.7 0.04 324 132 CLASSICAL GA1060:00549171 04:30:27.5 +17:57:02 15.0 0.07 167 1.00 62.4%
2686265 2028 Dec 23 07:13:07 590218 19.8 0.7 0.03 105 43 CENTAURR GA1160:02617439 06:55:22.1 +26:20:43 15.2 0.24 169 1.00 50.9%
2681450 2028 Dec 30 10:34:07 523764 22.0 1.4 0.04 213 87 3:2E+6:4II GA0900:02998886 07:42:55.1 +01:17:32 15.6 0.24 153 1.00 38.9%
2664632 2029 Jan 09 04:57:09 535168 22.4 2.7 0.10 222 91 3:2E GA1100:02066879 06:26:32.9 +21:46:03 16.2 0.10 167 1.00 30.5%
2670467 2029 Jan 12 08:49:47 530839 22.1 0.6 0.03 246 100 5:3EE GA1040:00457913 04:14:16.7 +14:56:18 16.3 0.15 132 1.00 99.3%
2680641 2029 Jan 17 11:15:32 523655 20.9 0.4 0.03 411 168 3:2E GA1120:03152965 09:28:34.7 +23:32:17 15.4 0.10 159 1.00 39.3%
2714648 2029 Feb 28 04:30:08 590218 20.1 0.7 0.03 105 43 CENTAURR GA1160:02594076 06:41:18.7 +26:12:44 17.0 0.06 120 1.00 39.5%
2780605 2029 Jun 21 08:10:42 505624 21.5 0.2 0.02 398 163 SCATEXTD GA0900:05428761 17:18:46.9 +00:47:29 15.6 0.13 154 0.98 50.1%
2818905 2029 Aug 07 10:31:07 470309 21.9 3.9 0.03 210 86 CENTAURS GA1100:08795213 19:19:55.3 +21:17:04 16.8 0.12 134 0.98 31.0%

The green lines highlight those events for which the star is visible to the entire RECON network at the time of the appulse. This corresponds to a "score" (second to last column) of 1. If the score is between 0 and 1, only part of the network can view the star at the right time. The last column is the estimate of the probability of success for RECON if it attempts this event. This number is based on the uncertainty in the prediction combined with the actual geometry for RECON for the event. In general, we look for a probability greater than about 30% for an official RECON campaign. This probability does not include any factors such as weather.

Most of the columns are self-explanatory. The two diameters give an estimate of the size of the object for two different albedos (5% and 30%). "TNO pos err" is the uncertainty in the position of the TNO at the time of the appulse, in arc-seconds. "minsep" is the minimum separation (in arcsec) between the star and TNO as seen from the position of the center of the earth. "selong" is the angle between the sun and the object (solar elongation) at the time of the event.

Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute