SwRI® Scientists Discuss Near Earth Asteroids with the Public

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August 4, 2003

Two members of the Department, Dr. Dan Durda (Senior Research Scientist) and Dr. Clark R. Chapman (Institute Scientist), gave a free public talk July 21 at the Boulder (CO) Chautauqua (a cultural and educational retreat, featuring recreation, music, and speakers) entitled "Near Earth Asteroids - Threat and Promise". They discussed the dangers of impacts with and the scientific potential of Near Earth Asteroids: What happens when they hit the Earth and how often does that occur? How should we as a society deal with this threat? These asteroids also provide great promises for new astronomical research, new natural resources, and new worlds to explore in the next "giant leap" of human travel beyond the Earth and Moon.

IMAGE CREDITS: Art by Bill Hartmann, modified by Dr. Durda (adding in the Earth)

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