This appendix presents the IRIS data set itself. All on-planet spectra with a range of less than 400,000 km are listed, with 5 tables covering each spacecraft encounter with each icy satellite.
First I give the FDS count, then the spacecraft range, in kilometers, from the planet center, and the subspacecraft latitude and longitude. Longitudes are given using the pre-Voyager system, with zero at the sub-Jupiter point. Then follows postitional information for the center of the IRIS field of view (corrected values in the case of Voyager 2 Ganymede (see Chapter 3)). I give, in order, the latitude and longitude, local time in degrees (`LTim'), solar incidence angle (i), emission angle (e), minimum separation of the field of view from the limb, in degrees (`LSp': negative values indicate dark-sky contamination, see Chapter 4), and solar phase angle (`Phs'). Then, for most Ganymede spectra, `fDk' and `fCt' give the percentage of the field of view occupied by dark cratered terrain and bright crater materials respectively (Chapter 3).
Finally I list the spectrum shape and temperature information. T1, TE, \dt, and \ep\ are the fitted warm-component temperature, effective temperature, temperature contrast, and emissivity, as defined in Chapter 4. T1 is redundant but it, and thus T2, cannot be derived analytically from TE, \dt, and \ep, so it is given for convenience. `Slp' is the standardized slope of the fitted spectrum: the difference in brightness temperature between 500 and 250 cm-1. A few spectra (usually those with dark-sky contamination) could not be fitted: for these only the `raw' 22 microns brightness temperature is listed, in the TE column.