Collective Communication Optimization in Beowulf Clusters

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This project aims to improve the performance of workstation clusters for a broad variety of projects where Broadcast-style communications are important. This research is funded by NASA's Applied Information Systems Research program.

Sample Results

Communications Speedups

This figure shows the log2(nodes) speedups are a reality for large messages. Both conventional MPI broadcast (triangles) and new Multicast-based broadcasts (squares) are essentially at the limit for Fast Ethernet (1.6ms for 20kB) when only one communication is required. But the series of unicasts in the conventional broadcast quickly falls behind while the multicasts require a nearly constant amount of time. Essentially perfect scaling.

In contrast, the improvements for small messages are simply due to the lack of round-trip in our NACK-based reliable multicast scheme, and other minor UDP over TCP efficiencies. These cut the communication time by less than a factor of two throughout these cluster sizes.

Science Speedups

Preliminary results in an Nbody dynamical integrator. When there are many bodies (upper curves), the application is mostly compute bound, so either communication scheme allows good scaling. But towards the extreme when there are few particles per node (14p/n in the most extreme example here), communications dominate. Indeed, with traditional broadcasts, the application is slower with more than ~6 nodes. Our new multicasts improve the performance of this application by a factor of two in this communication dominated regime.

Recent News

Project Abstract

We propose to develop a transparent drop-in software module to accelerate significantly many classes of scientific simulations conducted on popular ``Beowulf'' parallel computing clusters. This module will replace the point-to-point broadcast model in the commonly adopted software layer (MPI) with reliability-enhanced socket multicasts. This module will significantly increase the speed of the collective communications which frequently dominate the execution time of Nbody2 calculations, such as our gravitational simulations of solar system formation and evolution. Because the expected improvement in these communications is of order log2Nnodes (a factor of 7 for large clusters), even tree-based calculations used in a broad array of planetary and astrophysical applications will benefit. In addition to the development of the software package, we will demonstrate the performance improvement with characteristic calculations and provide a software module to make this enhancement easily available to the rapidly growing community of scientific (and industrial) users of similar clusters.

Development Cluster

We have a small Beowulf cluster of Intel-based computers for development work, unimaginatively called AIS. The master node also has a monitor, CDROM, floppy, keyboard, and a second ethernet card. The nodes are connected by a fast-ethernet switch, currently a NetGear FS105. Planned purchases include a variety of alternative ethernet cards and switches, and eventually Gigabit network hardware.

You might also be interested in seeing the page about our production cluster, Hercules.


Peter Tamblyn /
Last modified: January 15, 2003