DES: Looker Statistics for the night of 041109

The nights results are organized into three tables, corresponding to a final flag of "y," "n," or "s" (yes, no or salt) in the .obj file.

The counts in the columns marked as partial salted cases are the result of salted objects interfering with the detection of objects that would otherwise be counted yes or no. For example, if a marked red-blue pair was half real object, and half salt, it would result in a count in the partial salt column in a "yes" table.

The total number of objects are in parenthesis; the number of KBOs are in front.

Objects marked "yes"

Initials of the "looker" object you found object auto found "auto object" you confirmed object you confirmed auto object you confirmed- partial salted case you were the last to check this object you were the last to check this object- partial salted case
JFK 4 (544) 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
LHW 0 (130) 0 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) 1 (1) 0 (0)
MWB 8 (49) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 12 (31) 0 (0)
auto 9 (9) 9 (9) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Objects marked "no"

Initials of the "looker" object you found object auto found "auto object" you checked object you checked auto object you checked- partial salted case you were the last to check this object you were the last to check this object- partial salted case
JFK 14 0 103 0 0 103 0
LHW 0 0 27 0 0 27 0
MWB 4 0 2 2 0 3 2
auto 132 132 0 0 0 0 0

Salted objects

Initials of the "looker" object you found object auto found "auto object" you confirmed object you confirmed you were the last to check this object
JFK 22 0 5 18 5
LHW 0 0 2 9 2
MWB 4 0 1 0 44
auto 35 35 0 0 0

Looker team for this night

Initials of the "looker" Name of the "looker" Number of images marked
JFK Julie F. Kane 130
LHW Lawrence H. Wasserman 25
MWB Marc W. Buie 85

List of interesting objects discovered on this night

Looker ID Object ID Record of lookers
09011401 04VS75 JFK,MWB
09016200 02VA131 MWB
09017202 03UB292 JFK,MWB
09017203 04VV75 JFK,MWB
09018203 04TT357 MWB
09019704 02VD138 MWB
09021201 04TU357 auto,JFK,MWB
09021701 04VW75 auto,JFK,MWB
09022702 04TV357 auto,JFK,MWB
09023200 04TX357 auto,JFK,MWB
09023601 04VX75 auto,JFK,MWB
0902420A 04UE10 MWB
09026103 03UT291 JFK,MWB
09026806 04UD10 MWB
09026807 04VY75 MWB
09027200 04UF10 auto,JFK,MWB
09028207 04TW357 MWB
09029100 04TF282 auto,JFK,MWB
09029509 04TE282 MWB
09047600 03UZ291 auto,LHW,MWB
09048201 03UN292 auto,LHW

This file was generated on 2025/02/16 06:18:16.