Changes to Buie IDL v6.2 Library

This is a reverse chronological list of changes to all library routines since the switch-over from the previous version of IDL.

rdobscod: 2005/11/28, MWB, format of obscode.dat changed, fixed format for reading.

astcol: 2005/11/28, MWB, added code to make SAVEDIR if it doesn't exist but only if the user requests that the program try to make it.

stacker: 2005/11/22, MWB, added DEBUG keyword

stacker.alt: 2005/11/22, MWB, added DEBUG keyword

skysclim: 2005/11/22, MWB, added SAMPLE and THRESH keywords

lcfitsvd: 2005/11/22, MWB, changed call from svdfit to mysvdfit

itool__define: 2005/11/01, DWL. Added method routine itool::close. This method allows an instance of itool to be closed, from an application that is managing the instance.

autocal: 2005/10/26, MWB, added PATTERN keyword

nextfile: Written by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, 2005/10/25

astcol: 2005/10/12, MWB, fixed bug that prevented saving slow moving objects to a separate file if the mysql-based list was empty

ast2ted: 2005/10/12, MWB, fixed bug that prevented saving slow moving objects to a separate file if the mysql-based list was empty

mysqldoc: 2005/10/10, MWB, added call to mysqldocscan validator

mysqldocscan: Written by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, 2005/10/08

Created by 2008/04/08 12:47:47 MST