Planetary Science Directorate


Upcoming SwRI Boulder Colloquia

Colloquia are normally on Tuesdays at 11:00 am in the 4th-floor conference room, except as indicated below in bold text.
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For questions or suggestions for speakers, please contact the SwRI colloquium organizers:
Raluca Rufu, 303-226-0879 or raluca(at)
Julien Salmon, 720-208-7203 or julien(at)
Kelsi Singer, 303-226-5910 or ksinger(at)
Sierra Ferguson, sierra.ferguson(at)
Rogerio Deienno, rogerio.deienno(at)
Sam Van Kooten, 303-226-5909 or svankooten(at)

To be added to the SwRI Boulder Colloquia email list, please contact Kelsi Singer, ksinger(at)

Suggest a New Speaker HERE
Tue Sep 24, 2024
In Room 424
11:00 am Ben Fernando Christ Church College Seismology across the Solar System: from the Moon to Mars and beyond
Abstract: In the 1970s, the Apollo missions carried seismometers to the Moon which provided the first detailed information on our nearest neighbour’s interior structure. In the last decade, InSight has done much the same on Mars and provided constraints on core diameter, surface layering, and impact rates. In this talk, I will discuss some of my recent work on planetary seismology across the Solar System, in particular with regard to impact science investigations using seismology. I will also discuss upcoming seismic experiments that will be carried out on the Moon, the icy worlds of the Outer Solar System, and other small bodies
Tue Oct 1, 202411:00 am Kiana De'Marius McFadden Lunar and Planetary Laboratory TBD
The presentation site will be updated later after our move to the new building
Tue Oct 15, 2024
In Room 424 + Webex
11:00 am Harrison Agrusa Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur TBD
Tue Oct 22, 2024
In Room 424 + Webex
11:00 am Sarah Millholland MIT TBD
Tue Oct 29, 2024
In Room 424 + Webex
11:00 am Benjamin Idini UC Santa Cruz TBD
Tue Nov 5, 2024
In Room 424
11:00 am Thomas Gomez TBD
Wed Apr 30, 2025
In CR5+webex
11:00 am Andy López-Oquendo Northern Arizona University TBD
Seminar needs to be rescheduled, marking it as 2025 date as a placeholder