Bill Ward: A Career Resonating with Scientific Discovery

January 16, 2004

On Thursday, January 22nd, the Department of Space Studies will honor Dr. William R. Ward with an all day festschrift colloquium and reception in honor of his 60th birthday, which occurred this month.

Entitled, "Bill Ward: A Career Resonating with Scientific Discovery," the day will feature scientific talks by distinguished planetary scientists who have worked with Bill during this tenures at Caltech, Harvard, JPL, and SwRI.

Dr. Ward is an Institute Scientist at SwRI-- the highest professional level a research scientist can achieve at SwRI. Last year, he was awarded the Dirk Brower career achievement award by the Division of Dynamical Astronomy of the American Astronomical Society.

Below is an agenda for the event:

     Bill Ward: A Career Resonating with Scientific Discovery
                      22 January 2004

 9:00 Stern       Opening Remarks
 9:10 Dr. Al Cameron "Meteoritic Clues to the Formation and Early
                      Evolution of the Solar Nebula"
 9:50 Dr. Robin Canup "Satellite Formation"
10:30 Break
10:45 Dr. Peter Goldreich "The Timescale for Outer Planet Formation"

11:30 Lunch
 1:00 Cake cutting

 1:30 Dr. Joe Hahn "Bill Ward: A Career of Making Waves"
 2:10 Dr. Hal Levison "The Kuiper Belt"
 2:50 Break
 3:05 Dr. Stan Peale "Mercury"
 3:45 Dr. Al Harris "The Planetary Spin Doctor"

 4:15 Toasts and Reception