;+ ; NAME: ; n2t ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Return vapor pressure of N2 from Brown & Ziegler 1980 ; CATEGORY: ; Volatile Transport ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; t = n2t(vp) ; INPUTS: ; vp : vapor pressure in microbar ; KEYWORD INPUTS ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; t : temperature, K ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; This function implements the tables of Brown and Zeigler ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2013 Jun 16, by Leslie Young, SwRI ;- function n2t, p if isarray(p) then begin t = 0. * p for i = 0, n_elements(p)-1 do t[i] = n2t(p[i]) return, t endif ; Return N2 temperature as a function of vapor pressure in microbar a_liq =[1.51050147e1, -6.15496072e2, -2.31314834e3, -5.89850934e4, 0.] a_beta= [1.64302619e1, -6.50497257e2, -8.52432256e3, 1.55914234e5, -1.06368300e6] a_alpha=[1.88550118e1, -8.57102332e2, -1.01891053e3, 1.28466570e4, -4.82177497e4] a=a_beta if p lt n2vp(35.62) then a=a_alpha if p gt n2vp(63.152) then a=a_gamma a[0] = a[0] - alog(p/1.33322e3) roots = fz_roots(a) gd = where( imaginary(roots) eq 0 and real_part(roots) gt 0, ngd) t = 1/real_part(roots[gd[0]]) return, t end