;+ ; NAME: ; ch4latentheat ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Return latent heat of sublimation of CH4 in erg/g from Brown & Ziegler 1980 ; CATEGORY: ; Volatile Transport ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; latentheat = ch4latentheat(t) ; INPUTS: ; t : temperature, K ; KEYWORD INPUTS ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; latentheat : latent heat of sublimation in erg/g ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; This function implements the tables of Brown and Zeigler ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2011 Apr 10, by Leslie Young, SwRI ;- function ch4latentheat, t physconstants if isarray(t) then begin l = 0. * t for i = 0, n_elements(l)-1 do l[i] = ch4latentheat(t[i]) return, l endif a=[1.71271658e1, -1.11039009e3, -4.34060967e3, 1.03503576e5, -7.91001903e5] l = -total( (findgen(4)+1) * t^(- (findgen(4)) ) * a[1:4]) * !phys.k / (28.0061 * !phys.m_u) return, l end