pro rd_next, fp, ln, mol, iso, v_upper, v_lower, min_nu0, max_nu0, min_s ;+ ; NAME: ; rd_next ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Read the next line from an open HITRAN file that satisfies criteria ; DESCRIPTION: ; CATEGORY: ; Spectra ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rd_next, fp, ln, mol, iso, v_upper, v_lower, min_nu0, max_nu0, min_s ; INPUTS: ; ln - the spectral line structure to be filled in ; fp - a file pointer to an open HITRAN file. ; mol - index of molecule (or 0 for any) ; iso - index of isotope (or 0 for any) ; v_upper - upper vibrational quantum number, or 0 for any ; v_lower - lower vibrational quantum number, or 0 for any ; min_nu0 - minimum wavenumber of the transition, or 0 for any ; max_nu0 - maximum wavenumber of the transition, or 0 for any ; min_s- minimum strength of the transition, or 0 for any ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; OUTPUTS: ; Fills the spectral line, ln ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ln must be defined before calling. ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2000 October, by Leslie Young, SwRI ;- true = (1 eq 1) false = (1 eq 0) ok = false while ok eq false do begin rd_specline_hitran, fp, ln if ln.mol le 0 then return ; EOF ok = ok_specline(ln, mol, iso, v_upper, v_lower, min_nu0, max_nu0, min_s) end return end