;+ ; NAME: ; rt_vtefficiency ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Return the ratio of collision rate to spontaneous deacy rate ; DESCRIPTION: ; Return the ratio of collision rate to deacy rate ; ; See Yelle 1991. "Non-LTE models of Titan's upper atmosphere," ; ApJ 383, 380-400, eqn 10. ; ; CATEGORY: ; RT ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; eps = rt_vtefficiency(t, n, a10, p10, moldiam, molwgt) ; INPUTS: ; t - temperature (K) ; n - number density of the background atmosphere (cm^-3) ; a10 - Einstein A10 coefficient (s^-1) ; p10 - collision probability (unitless) ; moldiam - reduced diameter of the molecules (cm) ; molwgt - reduced molecular weight ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; OUTPUTS: ; collision rate/deexcitation rate ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2004 Mar 17, Leslie Young SwRI ; based on epslnf, written by Roger Yelle, 1990 ;- function rt_vtefficiency, t, n, a10, p10, moldiam, molwgt physconstants z10 = (moldiam^2.)*sqrt( 8.d * !dpi * !phys.k * t/ (molwgt * !phys.m_u) ) c10 = p10*z10*n epsln = c10/a10 return, epsln end pro rt_vtefficiencyTEST ; test case for CH4 in N2 at 100 K, 1 microbar physconstants t =100. p = 1. n = p/(!phys.k * t) a10 = 24.80 p10 = 1e-6 ;p10 = 2.000e-2 moldiam = 3.7405e-8 mun2 = 28. much4 = 16.0426 molwgt = (mun2*much4)/(mun2+much4) eps = rt_vtefficiency(t, n, a10, p10, moldiam, molwgt) print, '; rt_vtefficiencyTEST: for CH4 in N2 at 100 K, 1 microbar, eps = ', eps end