;+ ; NAME: ; rt_AAREADME ; PURPOSE ; Print the file 'rt_AAREADME.pro' ; CATEGORY: ; Radiative Transfer (rt) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; rt_AAREADME ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FILES AND ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTIONS ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; INPUT-OUTPUT ; atm = rt_atmread1('titan.atm') - read atm file ; atm = rt_atmread1('titan.atm', pmax) - read atm file up to max pressure ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VARIABLES ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; arad Einstein A coefficient. ; s^-1 ; band.arad double [12, nmol] ; ; a10 Einstein A coefficient. ; s^-1 ; ; atm: structure with ; nz, ns, z, p, t, n, ncol ; see rt_atmread1, rt_atmread2 ; ; dgn degeneracy (?) ; unitless ; band.dgn double [12,nmol] ; ; n number density ; cm^-3 ; atm.n double [nz, ns] ; ; ncol number column density ; cm^-2 ; atm.ncol double [nz, ns] ; ; nmol number of molecules in band structure ; scalar ; band.nmol INT ; ; ns number of species ; atm.ns INT ; ; nz number of atmospheric levels ; scalar ; atm.nz LONG ; ; p pressures ; microbar ; atm.p double [nz] ; ; pcol p10 - V-T transition probability. ; Unitless. ; band.pcol double [12,nmol] ; ; rmass - ; ; t temperatures ; K ; atm.t double [nz] ; ; wave band wavenumbers ; inverse cm ; band.wave double [12, nmol] ; ; z altitudes ; cm ; atm.z double [nz] ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- pro rt_AAREADME findpro, 'rt_AAREADME', dirlist=dirlist, /noprint tmp = ' ' openr, lun, dirlist[0]+'/rt_AAREADME.pro', /get_lun while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,tmp print, tmp endwhile free_lun,lun end