;+ ; NAME: ; oc_getline_ucac2 ; ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Retrieve the raw binary UCAC2 catalog line for a given ID or IDs. ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; This function retrieves the raw binary UCAC2 catalog line for a given ID or ; IDs. The catalog line is a 44-byte sequence and is not human-readable. ; Therefore, this routine will not usually be called by an end-user. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Star catalogs. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = oc_getline_ucac2( IDs [,NSTARS=nstars] [,/VERBOSE] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; IDs -- A list of UCAC2 ID's. Must be string or array of strings. ; IDs can be in UCAC2 or SCAT format -- e.g., '004321897' or '216.212'. ; They must all be in the same format. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; None ; ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; NSTARS -- Returns the number of successfully-retrieved lines. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; If input is a scalar, then output is byte array of size [44]. ; If input is a vector, then output is byte array of size [num_ids, 44]. ; If a star is not found, elements of that array are set to zero. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; UCAC2ID_COMMON -- Used to store catalog index file. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; UCAC2 catalog must be available on local filesystem, ; in files $UCAC2_PATH/u2/{z001 .. z288} ; ; EXAMPLE: ; print, oc_getline_ucac2(['1.0', '1.1'], /VERBOSE) ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 10-Jan-2006 by Henry Throop, SwRI ; Modified 23-Feb-2006 by HBT. Improved documentation and formatting. ; Modified 26-Feb-2006 by LAY. Added '/' before 'u2/' (see scat code ; usage) ; Modified 27-Feb-2006 by HBT. Changed keyword COUNT -> NSTARS. ; Modified 14-Apr-2006 by Leslie Young. Made loop index long. ; Modified 29-Jun-2006 by Leslie Young. Close open files on exit ;- forward_function oc_convertid_ucac2 function oc_getline_ucac2, ids_in, NSTARS=nstars, VERBOSE=verbose common ucac2id_common, ucac2_index_loaded, ucac2_ninbin, ucac2_ninbin_cum ; Set up the common block so we can read in the index file path_catalog = getenv('UCAC2_PATH') + '/u2/' ; Bytes per line. There is no CR, LF, etc. btwn fields bytes_per_line_ucac2= 44 ; Parse the list of id's into a list of catalogs, and a list of indices within ; these catalogs. ; ; NB: To debug this, use od to look at files, such as: od --width=44 -tu1 z001 ; | more ; Load the conversion matrices, if they haven't been loaded, and place them in ; the common block. junk = oc_convertid_ucac2(SCAT=['1.1']) ; Convert the ID type into scat-formatted, if we have to ; If at least one star is in SCAT form, then ok if (total(grep(string(ids_in), '\.')) ge 1) then begin ids = string(ids_in) end $ ; Otherwise, convert from UCAC2 form to SCAT form else begin ids = string(oc_convertid_ucac2(ucac2=ids_in)) end num_ids = sizex(ids) catalogs = dblarr(num_ids) ; '200' part of '200.077191' indices = dblarr(num_ids) ; '077191' part of '200.077191' lines = bytarr(num_ids, bytes_per_line_ucac2) ; Binary catalog entry for i = 0L, num_ids-1 do begin if (ids[i] ne 'none') then begin split = ht_str_split(ids[i], char='.') catalogs[i] = split[0] indices[i] = split[1] end end ; Now go through and open each catalog ; We use an associative array, rather than reading the entire catalog in. ; Indicates whether file 'file' is currently open, or not file_open = 0 for i = 0L, num_ids-1 do begin if (ids[i] eq 'none') then begin lines[i,*] = '' end $ else begin file = path_catalog + 'z' + $ str_replace(string(catalogs[i], format='(I3)'), ' ', '0', /all) if file_exists(file) then begin if not(file_open) then begin openr, lun, file, /get_lun file_open = 1 ; Assoc array is allowed to be of type byte, but not string arr = assoc(lun, bytarr(bytes_per_line_ucac2)) end ; Check the pre-loaded list of UCAC file arrays to check that this star is ; indeed a valid ID ; In file, star '1.1' is the 0th star, so correct for this index = indices[i]-1 if (index ge 0) and (index+1 le ucac2_ninbin[catalogs[i]]) then begin lines[i,*] = byte(arr[index]) end $ else begin lines[i,*] = 0 if keyword_set(VERBOSE) then print, $ 'Error: oc_getline_ucac2: star ' + ids[i] + ' not valid ID.' end ; If the next catalog is the same as this one, just keep it open rather than ; close it. if (i lt (num_ids-1)) then begin if (catalogs[i] ne catalogs[i+1]) then begin close, lun & free_lun, lun file_open = 0 end end end $ else begin if keyword_set(VERBOSE) then print, $ 'Error: oc_getline_ucac2: can''t open ' + file + '.' stop lines[i,*] = 0 end end end ; Put the number of stars into NSTARS nstars = sizex(ids) ; Return an array or a scalar, depending on what was passed in. if file_open then begin close, lun & free_lun, lun end if is_array(ids) then return, lines if not(is_array(ids)) then return, reform(lines[0,*]) end ;;;;;;;;;; ;; Code below here is intended for development purposes and not end-user pro other uc = oc_getline_ucac2(['001.00000', '001.00002', '200.077191', '200.077191', '200.077191', 'none']) end