;+ ; NAME: ; oclc_fwd_phiref.pro ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculates the refractive flux. ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; phi = oclc_fwd_phiref(r, theta, dtheta, distobs) ; ; INPUTS: ; **** All inputs in cgs units ******** ; ; r - An array of radius values from the center of the planet, in cm. ; theta - An bending angle in radians. ; dtheta - The derivative of the bending angle with respect ; to readius, in radians. ; distobs - the distance to the observer, in cm. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; phiref - the observed flux due to refractivity only ; ; EXAMPLE 1 - scalar temperature, molecular weight ; r = dindgen(400)*1d5 + 1200d5 ; array of r, in cm ; km = 1e5 ; distobs = 30.*1.496e8*1.d5 ; 30 AU in cm ; r0 = 1250d5 ; reference r in cm ; rsurf = 1000.d5 ; nu0 = 2d-9 ; lam0 = 60.d ; a = 0.d ; b = 0.d ; order = 4 ; dnu = oclc_ey92_dnu(r0,nu0,lam0,a,b, r) ; theta = oclc_fwd_theta(r, dnu) ; dtheta = oclc_fwd_dtheta(r, theta) ; phiref = oclc_fwd_phiref(r, theta, dtheta, distobs) ; phiref2 = oclc_ey92_phiref_of_r(r0, nu0, lam0, a, b, distobs, rsurf, order, r) ; ; plot, r/1e5, (phiref-phiref2) ; print, minmax(phiref-phiref22 ) ; ; COMMENTS: ; ; REVISON HISTORY: ; 25-Aug-2006 CBO SwRI -- modified from LAY's lightcurve.pro ;- function oclc_fwd_phiref, r, theta, dtheta, distobs y = oclc_fwd_y( r, theta, distobs) phiref = abs(r/y) /abs(1.d + dtheta * distobs) return, phiref end