;+ ; NAME: ; oclc_ey92_bseries ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; return power series in 1/lam used by EY92 ; DESCRIPTION: ; return power series in 1/lam used by EY92 ; CATEGORY: ; Occultation lightcurve (oclc) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; bser = oclc_ey92_bseries(a,b,order,delta) ; INPUTS: ; a - exponent for non-constant mean moleculr weight ; mu(r) = mu0 * (r/r0)^-a ; b - exponent for non-constant temperature ; T(r) = T * (r/r0)^b ; order - order of delta in the series (default 4) ; delta - 1/lambda (may be an array) ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: ; KEYWORD INPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; KEYWORD OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; none ; OUTPUTS: ; B(a,b,delta) ; Series in delta for use in calculating dtheta ; Unitless. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; None ; PROCEDURE: ; Elliot and Young 1992, AJ 103, pp 991; eg A2 ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2006 Jun 28, Leslie Young ;- function oclc_ey92_bseries, a,b,order,delta bser = 1.d if order eq 0 then return, bser bser = bser + ((1.d + 3. * a)/8.d + 15. * b/8.d) * delta if order eq 1 then return, bser bser = bser + ((9. + 6 * a + a^2.)/128.d + $ (-1.)*(17. + 11*a)*b/64.d + $ (25. * b^2.)/128.d ) * (delta ^(2.d)) if order eq 2 then return, bser bser = bser + ((75. + 67 * a + 41.*a^2 + 9*a^3)/1024.d + $ (-1.)*(81. + 134. * a + 57. * a^2.) * b/1024. + $ (1. + 3. * a) * b^2./1024. + $ (5.) * b^3 / 1024.) * delta^3. if order eq 3 then return, bser bser = bser + ( (3675. + 7204.*a + 5266.*a^2 + 2564.*a^3 + 491.*a^4) * (1/32768.) $ - (339. + 1347 * a + 1297. * a^2 + 409 * a^3) * (b/8192.) $ - (10555. + 1834.* a + 807.* a^2) * (b^2/16384.) $ - (67. + 49. * a) * (b^3/8192.) + 59 * (b^4/32768.) ) * delta^4 return, bser end