;+ ; NAME: ; oc_AAREADME ; PURPOSE ; Print the file 'oc_AAREADME.pro' ; CATEGORY: ; Occultation searching and star catalog reading (oc) ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; oc_AAREADME ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FILES AND ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; $WCS_CATDIR : directory with stellar catalogs ; | ; |- hd : Henry Draper Catalog directory ; | ; |- catalog.dat : HD catalog ; | (from Vizier http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/ftp/cats/III/135A ; | edited to replace '.' with ' 'in mags for stars 37030 and 37023 ; | ; |- catalog.dat.lookup : file with starting location and lengths of HD lines ; | ; |- catalog.wcs.dat : HD catalog in format for WCS tools (eg scat) ; ; ; $SAO_PATH : Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory catalog ; | ; |- sao.dat : SAO catalog (from Vizier) ; | ; |- saora : RA-sorted SAO catalog in format for WCS tools (eg scat) ; ; $UCAC2_PATH : UCAC2 catalog ; | ; |- u2 ; | ; |- u2index.txt ; | ; |- z001 ... z288 ; ; $TY2_PATH : Tycho2 catalog ; | ; |- data ; | ; |- catalog.dat : Tycho2 catalog ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTIONS ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; SEARCH CATALOGS ; oc_getline[_hd, _sao, _tyc2, _ucac2] ; return catalog lines by id ; oc_getstar[_hd, _sao, _tyc2, _ucac2] ; return star structures by id ; oc_search_pos_single[_hd, _sao, _tyc2, _ucac2] ; return star structures near one position ; oc_search_pos_multiple ; oc_search_eph ; ; EVENT ; oc_x2f_rotmat - Return the matrix for rotating XYZ to FGH (should be naif?) ; ; UTILITY FUNCTIONS (NOT CALLED BY USER) ; oc_star_isempty : Indicates whether a star structure is empty or not ; oc_scat : search catalogs using scat, returning ids ; oc_star_set_empty : Sets a star structure(s) to be empty (i.e., invalid) ; oc_which_uniqev ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VARIABLES ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; dec ; declination, Equinox J2000 ; radians ; ; id ; star id, unique within a catalog ; string, scalar ; ; ids ; star ids, unique within a catalog ; string, scalar or array ; ; nstars ; counter - number of stars returned by a getline routine ; long ; ; ra ; right ascension, Equinox J2000 ; radians ; ; radius ; search radius ; radians ; ; stars ; mk_html_help,['.','hd','sao','tyc2','tyc2_hd','ucac2'],'oc.html' ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- pro oc_AAREADME findpro, 'oc_AAREADME', dirlist=dirlist, /noprint tmp = ' ' openr, lun, dirlist[0]+'/oc_AAREADME.pro', /get_lun while not eof(lun) do begin readf,lun,tmp print, tmp endwhile free_lun,lun end