;+ ; NAME: ; vty16_fig3_1 ; PURPOSE: (one line) ; Plot Young 2016, Fig3.1 ; DESCRIPTION: ; Plot Young 2016, Fig3.1 ; Young, L. A. 2016, Volatile transport on inhomogeneous surfaces: II. Numerical calculations (VT3D) ; Resubmitted to Icarus. ; CATEGORY: ; VT3D ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; vty16_fig3_1, phase, flux_sol, flux_sol_1, flux_sol_7 ; INPUTS: ; none ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; phase: phase of the period running from 0 to 2 pi radian ; flux_sol : absorbed solar flux, erg/cm^2/s ; flux_sol_1 : approximate absorbed solar flux, M=1, erg/cm^2/s ; flux_sol_7 : approximate absorbed solar flux, M=7, erg/cm^2/s ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; creates files ; vty16_fig3_1.png - as in Young 2016 ; vty16_fig3_1.txt ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written 2012 Sep 29, by Leslie Young, SwRI ; 2016 Mar 22 LAY. Modified for inclusion in vty16 library. ;- pro vty16_fig3_1, phase, flux_sol, flux_sol_1, flux_sol_7 ;------------------------- ; this function name ;------------------------- funcname = 'vty16_fig3_1' ;------------------------- ; set up for correct plotting ;------------------------- loadct, 0 device,/decompose !p.background = 'ffffff'xl !p.color=0 !p.charsize=1.5 ;------------------------- ; constants ;------------------------- physconstants ; load physical constants from layoung library deg = !pi/180. sol_norm_1au = 1367.6e3 ; solar constant at 1 AU, erg/cm^2/s s_per_day = 24. * 3600. s_per_year = 365.25 * s_per_day cm_per_au = 149597870.691e5 ; cm per AU km_per_au = 149597870.691 ; km per AU _i = complex(0,1) ;------------------------- ; formats for printing ;------------------------- formf = '(A-20, ": ", A-20,"=",F15.6," ",A-10)' forme = '(A-20, "_sol_term_bare: ", A-20,"=",E15.3," ",A-10)' formi = '(A-20, "_sol_term_bare: ", A-20,"=",I8," ",A-10)' forms = '(A-20, "_sol_term_bare: ", A-48)' ;------------------------- ; Insolation on an bare area ;------------------------- period = .9424218 * s_per_day n_phase = 720 ; number per period phase = dindgen(n_phase) * 2.d * !dpi / n_phase lat = 30. * deg ; latitude in radians lon = 0. ; east longitude in radians lat_sol = replicate(2.24*deg, n_phase) ; subsolar latitude in radians as a function of time ; subsolar east longitude in radians; decreases with time for ; prograde objects lon_sol = (!pi/2 - phase) ; Calculate the exact insolation ; mu0 is the cosine of the solar illumination angle mu0 = vt3d_solar_mu(lat, lon, lat_sol, lon_sol) albedo = 0.6 dist_sol_au = 9.487299 flux_sol_ss = (1-albedo) * sol_norm_1au / (dist_sol_au^2) flux_sol = flux_sol_ss * reform(mu0) ; Calculate the sinusoidal expansion h_phase0 = lon - lon_sol[0] ; flux_sol_t_1 and flux_sol_t_7 are the M=1 and M=7 arrays of coefficient flux_sol_t_1 = vt3d_sol_terms_diurnal(dist_sol_au, albedo, lat, h_phase0, lat_sol[0], 1) flux_sol_t_7 = vt3d_sol_terms_diurnal(dist_sol_au, albedo, lat, h_phase0, lat_sol[0], 7) ; flux_sol_1 and flux_sol_7 are the M=1 and M=7 approximations flux_sol_1 = vt3d_solwave(flux_sol_t_1,phase) flux_sol_7 = vt3d_solwave(flux_sol_t_7,phase) ; Plot it window, 0, xs=840, ys=514 !p.color = 0 plot, phase/deg, flux_sol, /nodata, $ xtit='Phase, deg', xstyle=3, xticks=4,xminor=6,$ ytit='Insolation, erg cm!U-2!N s!U-1!N', yrange=[-100,400]*15. ; Exact as thick, gray oplot, phase/deg, flux_sol, color='a0a0a0'xl, thick=6 oplot, 270-[5,45], 5000+94+[0,0], color='a0a0a0'xl, thick=6 xyouts, 270, 5000, 'Numerical' ; M=1 as dashed oplot, phase/deg, flux_sol_1, line=0, thick=2 oplot, 270-[5,45], 4500+94+[0,0], line=0, thick=2 xyouts, 270, 4500, 'Approximation, M=1' ; M=7 as dot-dashed oplot, phase/deg, flux_sol_7, line=2, thick=2 oplot, 270-[5,45], 4000+94+[0,0], line=2, thick=2 xyouts, 270, 4000, 'Approximation, M=7' tv2im, funcname+'.png', /corner forprint, phase/deg, flux_sol, flux_sol_1, flux_sol_7, $ TEXTOUT = funcname + '.txt', $ comment = string('phase', 'numeric', 'M=1', 'M=7', for='(A7, 3A8)'), $ FORMAT = '(F7.2, 3F8.2)' end