Supplementary materials for Young, L. A. 2016, Volatile transport on inhomogeneous surfaces: II. Numerical calculations (VT3D) Resubmitted to Icarus. vt3d*.pro IDL procedures and functions that directly implement the model described in Young et al. 2016 vty16*.pro IDL procedures and functions to generate some plots in Young et al. 2016 vty16*.png Plots for Young et al. 2016 vty16*.txt Tables of the values plotted for Young et al. 2016 vty16*.sav vty16*.fits Save files and FITS files of some variables in the calculation of the plots/ All other *.pro Supporting routines. bz1980_vp_table1.txt bz1980_vp_table3.txt bz1980_vp_table5.txt Tables for