Changes to Buie IDL v7.0 Library

This is a reverse chronological list of changes to all library routines since the switch-over from the previous version of IDL.

rastr: 2009/04/26, MWB, converted to use new CVTSIXTY routine

raparse: 2009/04/26, MWB, converted to use new CVTSIXTY routine

hastr: 2009/04/26, MWB, converted to use new CVTSIXTY routine

haparse: 2009/04/26, MWB, converted to use new CVTSIXTY routine

decstr: 2009/04/26, MWB, converted to use new CVTSIXTY routine pro decstr, declination, places, str, $ SEPCHAR=sepchar, DEGREES=degrees, ERROR=error if n_params() ne 3 then begin Display the calling sequence. print, 'decstr, declination, places, str' return endif self='DECSTR: ' if badpar(declination,[2,3,4,5],[0,1],CALLER=self+'(declination) ') then return if badpar(places,[2,3],0,CALLER=self+'(places) ') then return if badpar(sepchar,[0,7],0,CALLER=self+'(SEPCHAR) ',default=':') then return cvtsixty,declination,-0.5d0*!dpi,0.5d0*!dpi,0,['+','-'],str, $ error=error,degrees=degrees,places=places,sepchar=sepchar end

decparse: 2009/04/26, MWB, converted to use new CVTSIXTY routine

cvtsixty: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2009/04/24 This is created from a large suite of independent but very similar routines with the intent of removing all duplicate code and having the independent routines call this master routine.

decstr: 2009/04/02, MWB, added NOLIMIT keyword

addslash: 2009/02/27, MWB, upgraded to handle vector input.

angsep: 2009/02/26, MWB, added protection against round off error generating NaN

fourfit: 2009/02/12, MWB, found and fixed a serious bug that caused the chisq value to be WRONG. The old value was basically a reduced chisq as if the number of free parameters were zero. Ouch.

avger: 2009/02/12, MWB, fixed error in DATAERR calculation.

safesalb: 2009/02/01, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute

render: 2009/02/01, MWB, improved parameter validation and some documentation

colcob: 2009/02/01, MWB, nearly a total rewrite both in documentation, coding, and operation. This new version is NOT compatible with the old.

plotglob: 2009/01/16, MWB, added LINESTYLE keyword

cie2rgb: 2009/01/16, MWB, added D65 keyword

cie2rgb: 2009/01/15, MWB, added NORMALIZED keyword

setcolor: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2009/01/13

digit: 2009/01/13, MWB, changed to use READ_IMAGE to read external file.

spec2cie: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2009/01/05

cie2rgb: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2009/01/05

lcfit: 2008/11/20, MWB, fixed bug that could cause returned value of CHISQ to be bad

wrref: Written 2008/10/31 by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute.

showsrc: 2008/10/31, MWB, changed to use rdref

rdref: Written 2008/10/31 by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute.

mosplot: 2008/10/31, MWB, changed to use rdref

astrom: 2008/10/31, MWB, fixed a minor problem affecting astrom.inf information when the frame is really close to 0h RA (more likely at higher Dec).

qinput: 2008/10/30, MWB, slight rewrite of internals for robust state structure. Also, now exclusively returns a scalar regardless of type.

starcprmt: 2008/10/21, MWB, added SILENT keyword

rdstarc: 2008/10/21, MWB, added SILENT keyword

reduc: 2008/09/15, MWB, image list broken for roboccd, fixed mysql query

photcal: 2008/08/07, MWB, added MAXSEP, UNIQUE, and NODISPLAY keywords

moschipcal: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2008/08/07

mosphot: Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2008/07/31

findsrc: 2008/07/25, MWB, add flux to output results structure. Impose minimum sigma and flux values to 1 in CRS calculation

seeing: 2008/07/23, MWB, added keyword for initial FWHM guess

mkrundate: 2008/06/22, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute

reduc: 2008/06/19, MWB, repaired a logic problem with 'sl' rule display information. Remember, there may be more in than what comes from this program!

msrcor: 2008/06/18, Written by Marc W. Buie with algorithmic input from Leslie Young, Southwest Research Institute.

astrom: 2008/06/17, MWB, FNSRC input was being ignored, fixed. Also modified to use rdstarc (which will modify .cat files)

jitter: 2008/04/22, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory

hstjit: 2008/04/22, MWB, added support for compressed data files. Fixed bug on reading wrong input quantity from jitter files.

disphase: 2008/04/12, MWB, slight change to deal with bogus values for G

stats: MWB, 2008/04/09, added CHARSIZE keyword pass through to plot

lstlim: 2008/04/08, MWB, modified formatting of printed output.

basphote: 2008/03/25, MWB, fixed minor bug related to an aperture that falls off chip

lcfit: 2008/03/16, MWB, added some keywords

year2jd: Written by Marc Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2008/02/03

windstr: 2008/02/03, MWB, changed to allow reverse transformation.

mon2num: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2008/02/03

fitsedit: 2008/02/01, MWB, Added missing tool, "Add Integer Keyword" and fixed some problems with the force tools.

roboccdload: 2008/1/25, PLC, add support for runs with 1000+ frames.

numtoflist: Written by Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory, 2008/01/25

autocal: 2008/01/22, MWB, added RDNOISE keyword.

mysqldocscan: 2007/12/09, MWB, added missing test for master database documentation

starcprmt: 2007/11/30, PLC, modified for validity checking and new READCOL keywds.

refext: 2007/11/30, MWB, changed to support the new binary file formats.

frmdxyr: 2007/11/28, Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory

rdstarc: 2007/11/23- Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory, convert to v1.0 binary fmt and add promote call.

starcprmt: 2007/11/21, Written by Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory

frmdxdy: 2007/11/21, MWB, merged with alternate code buried in

findobj: 2007/11/07, MWB, added NOSCALE keyword, fixed a problem with the binfac keyword

astrom: 2007/11/07, MWB, added NOSTRICTAPER keyword for photographic plate data

showsrc: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2007/11/06

astrom: 2007/11/06, MWB, fixed bug with partial solutions where you have to help with a two star solution. Problem if help led to a significant change in rotation.

photphot: 2007/10/29, MWB, integrated into library

flx2mag: 2007/10/29, MWB, modifications to make it more error tolerant

findsrc: 2007/10/29, MWB, added PHOTOGRAPIC keyword for scanned plate data.

astrom: 2007/10/29, MWB, added PHOTOGRAPIC keyword on scanned plate data (incomplete) added TWEAKOBJ keyword

hstjit: 2007/10/24, SDK, conversion of undistorted/distorted coordinates, output in pixels

jitterk: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2007/10/23

photphot: 2007/10/21, MWB, converted to use IDL builtin, gaussfit

hstjit: 2007/10/18, SDK, added support for camera specifics ACS, WFPC2

photphot: 2007/10/16, add SKY keyword and input vectors of source positions.

loadkeys: 2007/10/02, MWB, changed DATETMPL in default list.

pc2model: 2007/09/12, PLC, provide DISTORT flag to use undistorted input x,y to generate psf's in the usual distorted (instrumental) frame.

stacker: 2007/09/07, MWB, incorporate into library to be consistent with newest avgclip and medarr_mwb, STACK keyword renamed to IMAGESTACK

medarr_mwb: 2007/09/07, MWB & PLC, added BAD keyword support

avgclip: 2007/09/07, MWB, fixed more errors with handling of incoming bad arrays also added the NONEWBADFLAGS keyword and pass BAD through to medarr_mwb

openmysql: 2007/09/06, MWB, added HOST/USER keywords

pc2model: 2007/09/05, MWB, changed to permit multiple calls on same output image. Added pixel response function.

avgclip: 2007/09/04, MWB, fixed problem with CLEANMEAN and CLEANSIG

stacker: 2007/08/30, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory, allow data cube as variant of fnlist, and fits file as variant of BAD. Add SUPERFRAME support and associated keywords.

badpar: 2007/08/14, MWB, fixed bug with returning DIMEN on defaulted variable.

pc2model: 2007/08/08, MWB, fixed minor bug when pasting psf near top and right edge

avgclip: 2007/08/08, MWB, added BAD keyword

p6model: 2007/07/25, PLC, propagate changes made to pc2model 2007/07/08 by Marc Buie. Z4 keyword left out for now (pending hstpsf test).

p6model: 2007/07/24, PLC, add some changes made earlier to pc2model.

mysqlquery: 2007/07/15, MWB, added NGOOD output keyword BUGS/WISH LIST: Ought to verify connection to MySQL server. Does nothing helpful with SQL command results. Does nothing helpful to identify/report bad SQL syntax.

stacker: 2007/07/09, MWB, added JUSTMEDIAN and STACK keywords

stacker.alt: 2007/07/09, MWB, added JUSTMEDIAN and STACK keywords

pc2model: 2007/07/08, MWB, psf placement reworked (was busted from long ago).

ccdphot: 2007/06/27, MWB, change header on output FITS to set BSCALE=1,BZERO=0

pc2model: 2007/6/26, PLC, add keywords GRID, PSFSIZE, Z4. Rename x,y inputs to xsrc, ysrc, to avoid JITTER clobbering.

hstpsf: 2007/06/24,PLC, add .par file check for WFPC2, along with keywords NOCHECKPAR and MISSING.

findmax: 2007/06/21, MWB, promote x,y inputs to float (internally only).

mkbias: 2007/06/20, MWB, fixed minor bug with image list for start

rdplast: 2007/06/19, MWB, added special case for P objects (must be in file with lower case p). This triggers JPL ephemeris object.

hstpsf: 2007/06/15,PLC, the subdirectory below WFPC2 is now PC instead of PC6, which continues to be used for WFPC.

Created by 2009/04/27 11:19:44 MST