Pre-defined Command Files

These are all pre-defined files containing one or more commands. All such commands are prefaced by 'f' and must be lower case.

allopen.cmd Activate the telescope and open the dome. The file name for data collection is initialized. Telescope tracking is turned on.
bigacqXX.cmd This command sequence is used when you suspect that the pointing may be off a little bit. The normal target acqusition scripts assume the telescope can point to within about 3 arcmin (it's usually much, much better than this). However, often time other (non-robotic) observers end up defining the "center" of the CCD more than 3 arcmin away from the true center. In this case acquisitions will fail if the pointing isn't tweaked up. This acquisition used the entire CCD FOV and a VERY bright star that will saturate unless there's lots of cloud around. This script can be run quite early in twilight (sun at -5 degree elevation for sure). The value of XX is the approximate right ascension of the reference star chosen. You need to pick the one closest to the meridan at the time you want to run the script. When successfully completed, the pointing will be good to well within 3 arcmin and normal acquisition scripts will then work.
dawncal_XXXX.cmdThis command sequence will collect a set of flat field images in a set of filters. You can only do one set per twilight. Replace XXXX with name of a predefined set: BVR, BVRI, BVRIM, BVRM, I, OM, and VR, where B, V, R, and I are the names of the standard filters, M=Methane, O=Open. Once the flats are collected, the dome is close and the telescope is stowed. At this point, the system will take 20 bias and 10 5-minute dark frames. Dawn flats are vastly superior to dusk flats and should be used whenever possible. This command will run until about an hour past sunrise.
duskcal_bvri.cmdThis command sequence will collect a set of BVRI flat field images, followed by 20 bias and 10 5-minute dark frames. It should be started close to sunset after opening (ie., allopen.cmd). This sequence will complete a little bit after then end of astronomical twilight.
focinit.cmdSet the focus to a value appropriate at the start of the night. The actual value is seasonally adjusted but can be safely used within nightly command scripts. This command is strongly recommended for the start of each night.
focusNN_25.cmd Focus telescope. There are a total of 24 of these command files, where NN ranges from 00 to 23 in steps of 01. The first number is the right ascension of the focus star and the second number is the declination of the focus star.
stow.cmd Stow the telescope, close the dome, and put the telescope to sleep.

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Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute