Installing PGPLOT for IFEFFIT ----------------------------- This file provides hints and tips for installing and using the PGPLOT graphics library with Ifeffit. PGPLOT must be installed __BEFORE__ Ifeffit is installed, or Ifeffit will not have graphics capabilities. To date, the installation of PGPLOT has proven to be 'the hard part' of the Ifeffit installation. Because of this, all the wisdom I can muster has been put into the installation script PGPLOT_install. This file tries to give as many hints as possible. Installation (Semi-Automated with PGPLOT_install): ------------------------------------------------- The shell script 'PGPLOT_install' will attempt to download, build and install PGPLOT for you. Running PGPLOT_install can be as simple as ./PGPLOT_install --system=linux which will download the PGPLOT kit, configure, build, and install PGPLOT for you. The script has the following requirements: 1. If the file pgplot5.2.tar.gz isn't already here, it will try to download it for you. This may fail, in which case you'll have to download it yourself from Only after the file pgplot5.2.tar.gz is in the same directory as PGPLOT_install can the installation proceed. 2. By default, PGPLOT_install will install the pgplot files in /usr/local/pgplot and install the pgplot library (libpgplot.a) in /usr/local/lib To do this successfully, you probably need to run PGPLOT_install with root access. If you don't have root access, or want to use some other location for the PGPLOT libraries, specify the directory prefix with the --prefix switch: ./PGPLOT_install --prefix=/home/matt/libs which will install to /home/matt/libs/pgplot. You will want to set the PGPLOT_DIR variable accordingly. 3. PGPLOT_install assumes it's building on a linux system with g77 and gcc. It will probably work on an IRIX or other Unix system, by using commands like: ./PGPLOT_install --system=irix --prefix=/home/matt/libs/ ./PGPLOT_install --system=sun4 the argument is passed on to PGPLOT to help compilation), but this is not tested. If the script fails, consult the PGPLOT instructions, or contact me when you've run out of ideas. The goal of the PGPLOT build is to create a library file 'libpgplot.a' against which Ifeffit will be linked. If this gets built and the demos run, PGPLOT should work with Ifeffit. Configuring Ifeffit: -------------------- Unless told otherwise (ie, with an explicit --with-pgpplot, --without-pgplot, or --with-pgplot-link), the configuration script will try to determine how to build Ifeffit using the iconf_pgplot script. You can run this yourself: ~>./iconf_pgplot which should write out a set of link options for how to successfully link with the PGPLOT library. Something like -L/usr/local/pgplot -lpgplot -lpng -lz -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 should get written out. If you get something like ...ifeffit_1.0b/src/pgstub/libnopgplot.a then Ifeffit will be built without plotting capabilities. PGPLOT Environmental Variables: ------------------------------- After installation, you should set some environmental variables associated with PGPLOT. You'll definitely want to set PGPLOT_DIR to /usr/local/pgplot (or wherever you installed PGPLOT): csh: setenv PGPLOT_DIR /usr/local/pgplot bash: export PGPLOT_DIR=/usr/local/pgplot You'll also want to set up a default PGPLOT device. Assuming you are using X windows, you'll want to set PGPLOT_DEV to either /xwindow or /xserve. These two devices are essentially identical, except that the /xserve plot area will remain after IFEFFIT is ended, and the same plot area will be used if IFEFFIT is restarted. csh: setenv PGPLOT_DEV /xserve bash: export PGPLOT_DEV=/xserve For Postscript and / or GIF output from IFEFFIT, you may want to set the height and widths of the resulting output plots. For the Postscript devices, the size is specified in units of 0.001" (25 microns). An appropriate size might be: csh: setenv PGPLOT_PS_HEIGHT 9000 setenv PGPLOT_PS_WIDTH 6000 For GIFs, the units are pixels, so appropriate sizes might be: bash: export PGPLOT_GIF_HEIGHT=400 export PGPLOT_GIF_WIDTH=500 Finally, for the X windows devices, you may want to put a few setting into your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file. Typical setting might be these: pgxwin.server.visible: false pgxwin.Win.geometry: 610x377 The first of these will hide the annoying little extra PGPLOT window. The second configures the starting size of the PGPLOT plot window. You can always resize it, but why not have it be close to the right size to begin with? If you have an older video card and get 'color flashing' from the PGPLOT window, PGPLOT (or something else) is probably taking too much of the X windows 'color map'. Setting the maximum number of colors that PGPLOT can use might help. Start with pgxwin.Win.maxColors: 512 and work your way down until it works OK. Setting this number _too_ small will not give you enough colors. After changing your .Xdefaults file you'll have to restart your X session or issue a 'xrdb --merge .Xdefaults' command. Adding More PGPLOT Devices -------------------------- If you're interested in using other PGPLOT devices (say PNG, or a printer-specific driver), I recommend starting with the drivers listed in drivers.list and add each new driver one at a time. You may have to tweak the Makefiles and test extensively. At this point, you're sort of on your own -- the PGPLOT documentation is pretty good.