Orbit Fit and Astrometric record for 14SG378

The following information shows the result of the orbit fit based on Gary Bernstein's method. Most of the information should be self-explanatory. Take special note that while the original Bernstein software works with barycentric coordinates, we convert these results into a heliocentric coordinate system.

# Object: 14SG378   
# Created Sat Sep 21 01:10:14 2024
# Orbit generated by ELGB
# -->Covariance matrix from a Bernstein fit
# Fitting     95 observations of     95
# Arc:   8.27y
# First observation: 2012/10/10
#  Last observation: 2021/01/16
# Chi-squared of fit:   101.08 DOF:    184 RMS:  0.18
# Min/Max residuals:    -0.64    0.51
# Exact a, adot, b, bdot, g, gdot:
  1.642383E-05  2.189493E-02 -6.169113E-06 -7.356268E-03  2.209888E-02 -8.313882E-03
# Covariance matrix:
  1.4360E-13 -5.7595E-14 -2.2733E-14  1.5448E-14 -4.1259E-14 -2.1611E-13
 -5.7595E-14  3.1333E-14  1.4274E-14 -9.5851E-15  1.8447E-14  1.3502E-13
 -2.2733E-14  1.4274E-14  7.0606E-14 -1.4837E-14  7.4235E-15  6.6297E-14
  1.5448E-14 -9.5851E-15 -1.4837E-14  5.2287E-15 -5.6677E-15 -4.4342E-14
 -4.1259E-14  1.8447E-14  7.4235E-15 -5.6677E-15  5.3894E-14  7.4265E-14
 -2.1611E-13  1.3502E-13  6.6297E-14 -4.4342E-14  7.4265E-14  6.2604E-13
#      lat0       lon0       xBary       yBary       zBary        JD0
  -12.025892    4.915804   -0.211498   -0.202791   -0.952052  2456210.861667
# Heliocentric elements and errors
Epoch:              2456210.5000  =  2012/10/10
Mean Anomaly:          343.38313 +/-     0.003
Argument of Peri:      271.73520 +/-     0.004
Long of Asc Node:      153.66509 +/-     0.000
Inclination:            21.73592 +/-     0.000
Eccentricity:         0.54051885 +/-    0.0000
Semi-Major Axis:     83.81870475 +/-    0.0085
Time of Perihelion: 2469148.1815 +/-      40.8
Perihelion:          38.51311517 +/-    0.0056
Aphelion:           129.12429433 +/-    0.0137
Period (y)              767.3962 +/-      0.12
# Ecliptic coordinates at JD0 (AU and AU/d)
Ecliptic X           45.04862989 +/-    0.0005
Ecliptic Y            4.08972880 +/-    0.0001
Ecliptic Z           -9.42851052 +/-    0.0001
Ecliptic XDOT        -0.00143128 +/-    0.0000
Ecliptic YDOT         0.00260223 +/-    0.0000
Ecliptic ZDOT        -0.00067664 +/-    0.0000
# Distances at JD0 (AU)
Heliocenter to KBO   46.20634673 +/-    0.0005
Geocenter to KBO     45.25146427 +/-    0.0005
# Hcoef:  6.63

The following table shows the complete astrometric record for 14SG378. The first three columns show the date of observation. The next six columns are RA and DEC. The next column (when provided) is the observed magnitude and filter. The next column is the object name (14SG378) followed by the observatory code and reference code for the source of the astrometry.

2012 10  10.360889 00 37 14.752  -09 04 49.93  24.0G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2012 10  10.361545 00 37 14.735  -09 04 50.07  23.0G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2012 10  10.374797 00 37 14.719  -09 04 50.46  24.0G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2012 10  10.375455 00 37 14.713  -09 04 50.18  23.1G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2012 10  10.389390 00 37 14.678  -09 04 50.73  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2012 10  10.402639 00 37 14.618  -09 04 51.14  24.0G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2012 10  10.403296 00 37 14.596  -09 04 50.96  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 08  22.524660 00 51 03.125  -08 23 34.95  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 08  22.535825 00 51 03.070  -08 23 34.56  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 08  22.547003 00 51 03.061  -08 23 35.38  23.1G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 08  22.558218 00 51 03.024  -08 23 35.71  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 08  23.563938 00 51 00.385  -08 24 08.89  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 08  23.576659 00 51 00.357  -08 24 08.98  22.4G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  02.449153 00 50 31.384  -08 29 40.71  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  02.470343 00 50 31.287  -08 29 41.88  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  02.480933 00 50 31.274  -08 29 41.73  22.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  21.19599  00 49 24.507  -08 40 08.76  23.2r 14SG378   807  C~3wpO      
2014 09  21.27635  00 49 24.174  -08 40 11.59        14SG378   807  C~3wpO      
2014 09  21.32533  00 49 24.004  -08 40 13.31        14SG378   807  C~3wpO      
2014 09  22.470007 00 49 19.567  -08 40 50.10  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  22.482796 00 49 19.476  -08 40 50.32  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  22.484109 00 49 19.487  -08 40 50.98  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  22.495624 00 49 19.436  -08 40 50.77  23.1G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  22.496942 00 49 19.429  -08 40 50.92  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  22.508463 00 49 19.412  -08 40 51.10  22.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 09  22.509778 00 49 19.409  -08 40 51.20  23.1G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 10  24.02543  00 47 13.801  -08 55 19.46        14SG378   304  C~3wpO      
2014 10  25.00622  00 47 10.047  -08 55 40.20        14SG378   304  C~3wpO      
2014 10  28.379538 00 46 57.416  -08 56 47.80  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2014 10  28.391733 00 46 57.387  -08 56 47.65  23.5G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2015 12  02.302079 00 50 47.050  -08 54 28.19  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2015 12  03.279397 00 50 45.246  -08 54 27.08  23.4G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2015 12  03.290705 00 50 45.216  -08 54 27.06  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  03.550319 01 02 45.233  -07 56 48.99  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  12.578095 01 02 31.901  -08 01 22.49  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  12.589431 01 02 31.851  -08 01 22.39  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  12.600760 01 02 31.842  -08 01 23.27  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  27.553993 01 01 57.268  -08 09 36.94  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  27.581419 01 01 57.196  -08 09 37.75  23.0G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2016 08  27.595146 01 01 57.154  -08 09 38.19  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 08  24.579769 01 07 47.711  -07 58 36.37  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 08  24.592766 01 07 47.669  -07 58 36.91  23.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 08  24.605704 01 07 47.635  -07 58 37.52  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  16.495021 01 06 35.563  -08 11 51.14  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  16.554613 01 06 35.345  -08 11 52.97  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  16.569179 01 06 35.268  -08 11 53.70  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  16.583726 01 06 35.226  -08 11 54.05  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  26.438831 01 05 57.301  -08 17 25.34  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  26.451291 01 05 57.267  -08 17 25.67  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  26.463794 01 05 57.215  -08 17 26.03  23.1G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 09  26.476294 01 05 57.157  -08 17 26.79  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 11  21.321530 01 02 24.824  -08 37 21.46  23.4G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 11  21.332627 01 02 24.796  -08 37 21.50  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 11  21.343830 01 02 24.758  -08 37 21.46  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2017 11  21.354976 01 02 24.697  -08 37 21.79  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2018 01  15.221730 01 01 44.967  -08 27 21.06  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2018 01  15.234874 01 01 45.001  -08 27 20.06  22.1G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2018 01  15.247983 01 01 45.012  -08 27 19.76  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2018 01  15.261120 01 01 45.048  -08 27 19.37  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2019 09  24.33920  01 17 49.775  -07 56 29.78  23.2r 14SG378   807  C~4ZeT      
2019 09  25.32491  01 17 45.937  -07 57 02.85  23.3r 14SG378   807  C~4ZeT      
2019 09  26.487503 01 17 41.360  -07 57 42.51  22.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2019 09  26.498992 01 17 41.293  -07 57 42.84  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeT      
2019 09  26.510488 01 17 41.258  -07 57 43.27  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 09  26.522017 01 17 41.223  -07 57 43.66  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  23.337609 01 13 56.097  -08 18 52.02  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  26.286888 01 13 47.638  -08 19 06.67  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  26.299109 01 13 47.599  -08 19 06.87  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  26.311361 01 13 47.560  -08 19 06.83  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  26.323603 01 13 47.537  -08 19 07.05  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  29.03318  01 13 40.245  -08 19 15.32  22.8r 14SG378   304  C~4ZeU      
2019 11  30.03250  01 13 37.680  -08 19 17.03  22.8r 14SG378   304  C~4ZeU      
2019 12  16.275249 01 13 06.308  -08 18 14.53  23.4G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 12  16.287473 01 13 06.338  -08 18 15.06  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2019 12  16.299600 01 13 06.307  -08 18 14.36  22.5G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  13.392179 01 24 26.372  -07 40 00.86  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  13.408286 01 24 26.326  -07 40 01.22  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  13.424483 01 24 26.245  -07 40 01.80  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  13.440701 01 24 26.207  -07 40 02.62  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  14.469451 01 24 22.646  -07 40 39.16  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  14.481764 01 24 22.590  -07 40 39.78  22.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  14.494080 01 24 22.557  -07 40 40.06  22.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  14.506392 01 24 22.507  -07 40 40.65  23.5G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  15.463434 01 24 19.151  -07 41 14.75  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  15.480189 01 24 19.067  -07 41 15.23  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  15.515122 01 24 18.952  -07 41 16.28  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  16.412969 01 24 15.765  -07 41 48.22  22.6G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  16.430800 01 24 15.698  -07 41 48.69  23.3G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  16.448691 01 24 15.633  -07 41 49.43  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 09  16.466442 01 24 15.568  -07 41 50.00  22.7G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 10  13.426194 01 22 27.595  -07 56 30.86  23.2G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 12  06.285337 01 19 16.191  -08 09 11.46  22.8G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2020 12  06.298721 01 19 16.176  -08 09 11.26  21.9G 14SG378   F51  C~4ZeU      
2021 01  15.06975  01 18 56.408  -07 58 58.73        14SG378   304  C~4ZeU      
2021 01  16.06218  01 18 57.698  -07 58 32.28        14SG378   304  C~4ZeU      

The following table shows the residuals to the orbit fit. The first coumn is the point number. The second column is the time, in years, measured from the first observation. The third and fifth columns are the regularized positions used in the orbit fit. The fourth and sixth columns are the residuals, in arc seconds, for RA and Dec respectively.

     1   0.0000      0.00    -0.22       0.00     0.11
     2   0.0000      0.00    -0.44       0.00    -0.01
     3   0.0000      0.00     0.12       0.00    -0.06
     4   0.0000      0.00     0.07       0.00     0.24
     5   0.0001      0.00     0.39       0.00     0.05
     6   0.0001      0.00     0.29       0.00    -0.01
     7   0.0001      0.00     0.00       0.00     0.18
     8   1.8649      0.00    -0.02       0.00    -0.38
     9   1.8650      0.00    -0.40       0.00     0.38
    10   1.8650      0.00    -0.09       0.00    -0.07
    11   1.8650      0.00    -0.19       0.00    -0.03
    12   1.8678      0.00    -0.07       0.00     0.01
    13   1.8678      0.00     0.04       0.00     0.34
    14   1.8948      0.00     0.12       0.00     0.12
    15   1.8949      0.00    -0.29       0.00    -0.33
    16   1.8949      0.00     0.03       0.00     0.18
    17   1.9462      0.00     0.05       0.00    -0.19
    18   1.9464      0.00    -0.19       0.00    -0.41
    19   1.9465      0.00     0.15       0.00    -0.55
    20   1.9496      0.00     0.23       0.00    -0.12
    21   1.9497      0.00    -0.38       0.00     0.07
    22   1.9497      0.00    -0.13       0.00    -0.54
    23   1.9497      0.00    -0.21       0.00     0.04
    24   1.9497      0.00    -0.24       0.00    -0.07
    25   1.9498      0.00     0.19       0.00     0.12
    26   1.9498      0.00     0.23       0.00     0.06
    27   2.0360      0.00     0.23       0.00     0.14
    28   2.0387      0.00    -0.08       0.00     0.08
    29   2.0480      0.00    -0.02       0.00     0.13
    30   2.0480      0.00     0.24       0.00     0.51
    31   3.1429      0.00     0.06       0.00     0.09
    32   3.1456      0.00     0.05       0.00    -0.15
    33   3.1456      0.00    -0.08       0.00    -0.15
    34   3.8143      0.00     0.22       0.00     0.02
    35   3.8391      0.00     0.42       0.00    -0.16
    36   3.8391      0.00    -0.01       0.00     0.30
    37   3.8391      0.00     0.17       0.00    -0.22
    38   3.8801      0.00    -0.05       0.00    -0.03
    39   3.8801      0.00     0.05       0.00     0.10
    40   3.8802      0.00     0.01       0.00     0.13
    41   4.8712      0.00     0.07       0.00     0.11
    42   4.8713      0.00    -0.06       0.00     0.02
    43   4.8713      0.00    -0.07       0.00    -0.15
    44   4.9340      0.00     0.09       0.00    -0.02
    45   4.9341      0.00     0.19       0.00     0.19
    46   4.9342      0.00    -0.15       0.00    -0.04
    47   4.9342      0.00     0.04       0.00     0.11
    48   4.9612      0.00    -0.06       0.00     0.04
    49   4.9612      0.00     0.19       0.00     0.12
    50   4.9613      0.00     0.17       0.00     0.17
    51   4.9613      0.00     0.07       0.00    -0.19
    52   5.1142      0.00    -0.01       0.00     0.01
    53   5.1142      0.00     0.05       0.00     0.04
    54   5.1143      0.00    -0.03       0.00     0.15
    55   5.1143      0.00    -0.46       0.00    -0.11
    56   5.2645      0.00    -0.07       0.00    -0.53
    57   5.2645      0.00     0.14       0.00     0.12
    58   5.2646      0.00     0.00       0.00     0.08
    59   5.2646      0.00     0.24       0.00     0.12
    60   6.9541      0.00     0.03       0.00    -0.18
    61   6.9568      0.00     0.15       0.00     0.20
    62   6.9600      0.00     0.05       0.00    -0.08
    63   6.9600      0.00    -0.26       0.00    -0.03
    64   6.9600      0.00    -0.09       0.00    -0.07
    65   6.9601      0.00     0.08       0.00    -0.07
    66   7.1183      0.00     0.02       0.00     0.13
    67   7.1264      0.00     0.07       0.00     0.18
    68   7.1265      0.00     0.01       0.00     0.03
    69   7.1265      0.00    -0.05       0.00     0.11
    70   7.1265      0.00     0.13       0.00    -0.06
    71   7.1339      0.00    -0.11       0.00    -0.14
    72   7.1367      0.00    -0.17       0.00     0.00
    73   7.1811      0.00    -0.43       0.00    -0.00
    74   7.1812      0.00     0.27       0.00    -0.64
    75   7.1812      0.00     0.05       0.00    -0.06
    76   7.9262      0.00    -0.05       0.00     0.01
    77   7.9262      0.00     0.10       0.00     0.22
    78   7.9263      0.00    -0.26       0.00     0.22
    79   7.9263      0.00     0.02       0.00    -0.02
    80   7.9291      0.00     0.14       0.00     0.09
    81   7.9291      0.00    -0.04       0.00    -0.09
    82   7.9292      0.00     0.13       0.00     0.06
    83   7.9292      0.00     0.04       0.00    -0.09
    84   7.9318      0.00     0.12       0.00    -0.17
    85   7.9319      0.00    -0.23       0.00    -0.05
    86   7.9320      0.00    -0.05       0.00     0.14
    87   7.9344      0.00    -0.02       0.00     0.03
    88   7.9345      0.00    -0.05       0.00     0.20
    89   7.9345      0.00    -0.04       0.00     0.09
    90   7.9346      0.00    -0.04       0.00     0.15
    91   8.0084      0.00    -0.07       0.00     0.07
    92   8.1559      0.00    -0.04       0.00    -0.19
    93   8.1559      0.00     0.18       0.00    -0.03
    94   8.2648      0.00     0.07       0.00     0.07
    95   8.2675      0.00    -0.03       0.00    -0.17

The following table comes from a 10My integration of the orbit of the object. Three columns are shown. The first column is the result of integrating the nominal orbit. The other two columns are based on clones of the nominal orbit that are +/- 3 sigma from the nominal orbit. If all three types agree then the classificiation is deemed secure. The basis for these calculations is described in more detail in AJ, 129, 1117 (2005). Any use made of these calculations should refer to and credit this publication and the Deep Ecliptic Survey Team.

14SG378    quality flag:3


axisobj        84.256    84.255    84.257
ecceobj         0.542     0.542     0.542
incobj         21.699    21.699    21.699
qmin           37.701    37.478    37.582
qmax          130.798   131.211   130.894
amean          82.982    82.939    82.963
amin           81.730    81.692    81.716
amax           84.821    84.736    85.017
emean           0.531     0.533     0.532
emin            0.517     0.518     0.518
emax            0.545     0.548     0.546
imean          21.217    20.975    21.045
imin           20.567    20.279    20.404
imax           22.051    21.776    21.882
excite_mean     0.642     0.642     0.642
fracstop        1.000     1.000     1.000
cjmean          2.986     2.986     2.986

libcent 0      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libamp  0      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libcent 1      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libamp  1      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libcent 2      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libamp  2      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libcent 3      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libamp  3      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libcent 4      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0
libamp  4      -180.0    -180.0    -180.0

kozaimean       164.2     168.9     166.9
kozaiamp        180.0     179.9     180.0